Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

hye =)

hello..i'm syahirah ramli..i'm from penang..

i cant deny that knowledeg of technology is very important nowadays..technology is very important and make life easy..for myself, i know basic things about computers and its tech. as ive been using it for years..but sadly, i only know the BASIC things....i dont know how to create a web or do advance things with tech...i use internet all the time but still i'm not using it wisely...what i know is just face-booking, checking emails, playing games, searching for info and reading gossips..... =p

however, i really think that technology is beyond what i know...i know that tech is magical..we can do a lot more things than just facebooking or searching for information..i know the power of it, but still.....i just know the basics..... =(

i hope that 1 day i'll have some time and get the chance to learn more about technology and become a computer savvy....

in edu field, i really think that using ICT in language learning is good...its like killing two birds with 1 stone...besides learning the language, students also get to acquire the knowledge of ICT..during my practicum, i got the chance to use the computer lab and i really learnt a lot fom that experience..
1. students love it
2. i got really high marks from my supervisor's evaluation =p
3. the lesson was really meaningful and fun
4. it made life easier (dont have to write on board)
5. students learn better (and always ask you to bring them to lab again =p)

however, i personally think that there are some disadvantages of it such as technical problems, time consuming and students' attention level (as they love the tech more than the learning content =p)

i remember introducing them the new chapter which is about occupation using a song.. i made them listen to the song and fill in the blank from an incomplete song lyric..the song was so nice and they sang it along..there, i got the chance to enhance their listening skills and also made them learn new words..besides, i also made them watched the pahntom of the opera movie clips and held a discussion about it..students love it sooooo much...

thats all for now.. =)